

noun cho·rus \ˈkr-əs\

: a group of singers and dancers in an ancient Greek play who take part in or talk about the things that are happening on stage

: a group of singers and dancers in a modern play, musical show, etc.

: a large group of singers

Full Definition of CHORUS

a :  a company of singers and dancers in Athenian drama participating in or commenting on the action; also :  a similar company in later plays
b :  a character in Elizabethan drama who speaks the prologue and epilogue and comments on the action
c :  an organized company of singers who sing in concert :  choir; especially :  a body of singers who sing the choral parts of a work (as in opera)
d :  a group of dancers and singers supporting the featured players in a musical comedy or revue
a :  a part of a song or hymn recurring at intervals
b :  the part of a drama sung or spoken by the chorus
c :  a composition to be sung by a number of voices in concert
d :  the main part of a popular song; also :  a jazz variation on a melodic theme
a :  something performed, sung, or uttered simultaneously or unanimously by a number of persons or animals <a chorus of boos> <that eternal chorus of: “Are we there yet?” from the back seat — Sheila More>
b :  sounds so uttered <visitors are taken to the woods by car to hear the mournful choruses of howling wolves — Bob Gaines>
in chorus
:  in unison <answering in chorus>

Origin of CHORUS

Latin, ring dance, chorus, from Greek choros
First Known Use: 1567

Related to CHORUS

Other Music Terms

cacophony, chorister, concerto, counterpoint, madrigal, obbligato, presto, presto, refrain, riff, segue



: to say (something) all together : to say (something) in chorus

Full Definition of CHORUS

transitive verb
:  to sing or utter in chorus

First Known Use of CHORUS


Other Music Terms

cacophony, chorister, concerto, counterpoint, madrigal, obbligato, presto, presto, refrain, riff, segue
CHORUS[1] Defined for Kids


noun cho·rus \ˈkr-əs\

Definition of CHORUS for Kids

:  a group of singers :  choir
:  a group of dancers and singers (as in a musical comedy)
:  a part of a song or hymn that is repeated every so often :  refrain
:  a song meant to be sung by a group :  group singing
:  sounds uttered by a group of persons or animals together <There was a chorus of deep growls … — Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book>



Definition of CHORUS for Kids

:  to speak, sing, or sound at the same time or together <“Yes, yes!” they chorused. “Come on! Let's go!” — Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach>


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